Saturday, June 18, 2011

The humble chick pea

I love chick peas. I mean, I really, really, really love chick peas. Also, smoked paprika is like crack. It comes in an unmarked film vial from my foodie friend and former neighbor, Judy. Like a drug, it is. It makes anything better. Especially chick peas. Have I mentioned how great they are?

This is what I make nearly every day for lunch, which is adapted from a recipe on Smitten Kitchen, who I think adapted it from some fancy NYC restaurant:

Chickpeas & Spinach

  • Saute a smushed garlic clove and pinch of crushed red pepper in some olive oil, or better yet, a teaspoon of leftover bacon fat (yes, I do save it, just for this reason).
  • Add a can of drained, rinsed chick peas and about 1/2 tsp of cumin. Saute until browned and hot and poppy in your mouth, or as long as you can hold out.
  • Add most of a bag of baby spinach and a good pinch of kosher salt. Toss until the spinach wilts a little. Finally sprinkle on a tiny bit of smoked paprika.

Some might say this cries out for a good piece of crusty bread. I agree, if I have added some fresh tomato I need to use up, or the dregs of a can of diced tomatoes that is hanging around in the fridge. If not, I eat this as is. And it is so, so very good. Try it!

What about northern white beans, you may wonder? Yes, though they get mushy more quickly. What about cooking up a big pot of my own chick peas, rather than using canned, if you're going to go all loco for these babies? Have any of you done this? Is it worth the trouble, really? Because I think the Goya brand of canned chickies is pretty darn good. But I could be convinced.

Coming up ... more with chick peas! And then on to my love affair with sheep's milk feta.

Pictures coming... apparently the ones I have sitting on my computer are too large.

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